Digital Frameworks

Highest Income Data Report

By Alexis Wainwright

5 Richest States according to Huffington Post

The Census Bureau released new data from its 2015 &2016 nationwide population survey. The graph is data collected from the 2016 data and the rankings are still close in numbers based off this year’s employment and unemployment rates.

High-income states typically share certain social and economic characteristics. In 17 of the states that rank higher than average household incomes, college attainment rates also exceed the national attainment rate.

  5. Connecticut -Median Household Income: $71,346 -Population: 3,590,886 (22nd lowest) -2015 Unemployment rate: 5.6% (18th highest) Poverty rate: 10.5% (6th lowest)

Connecticut households typically earn about $71,000, which is more than the national median income of $55,775. More than one in 10 households earn $200,000 or more a year. Connecticut’s relatively high education attainment rate partially accounts for the high incomes in the area. More than 38.3% of adults have at least a bachelor’s degree compared to 30.6% nationally.

  4. New Jersey -Median Household Income: $72,222 -Population: 8,958,013 (11th highest) -2015 Unemployment rate: 5.6% (18th highest) Poverty rate: 10.8% (8th lowest)

Since the living in this state is not cheap the household reports some of the highest incomes. The states median home value is higher than the national median home value of $194,500. New Jersey goods and services cost an average of 14.5% more than across the country.

   3. Alaska -Median Household Income: $73,355 -Population: 738,432 (3rd lowest) -2015 Unemployment rate: 6.5% (4th highest) Poverty rate: 10.3% (5th lowest)

A typical Alaska household earns $73,355 annually and nearly $18,000 more than the typical American household. The state relies on its traditionally high-paying oil industry. 5.6 % of workers in the state are in agriculture, forestry, and mining sector, fishing and hunting.

  2. Hawaii -Median Household Income: $73,486 -Population: 1,431,603 (11th lowest) -2015 Unemployment rate: 3.6% (6th lowest) Poverty rate: 10.6% (7th lowest)

Hawaii tends to attract some of the world’s wealthiest individuals. This state trails only Maryland for median household income. Sometimes the richest states don’t necessarily have healthy job markets, but their unemployment rate was one of the lowest in the country. The state is home to some of the most valuable real estate.

  1.	Maryland -Median Household Income: $75,847 -Population: 6,006,401 (19th highest) -2015 Unemployment rate: 5.2% (24th highest) Poverty rate: 9.7% (2nd lowest)

The state of Maryland leads the nation with annual household incomes and the state’s poverty rate is nearly the lowest of any state. More than 38% of adults have at least a college degree and also contains the District of Columbia, home of some of the nation’s highest-paying government occupations.

Want more info, well Check out this article— this covers all the details you’d want to know.

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